Internet is offering a lot of opputunities to spend quality time and learn good things in life , sites like youtube,orkut,yahoo groups and others are helping ppl get to know each other well abt whats keeping them to tick each day off.i am really fascinated by the values of a person named as Mr.Micheal Moore .Micheal moore is a documentary film maker usually associates his documentaries with a lot of schisms and rebukes the Bush family for their undoings .He became famous for his work on the gulf war under the senior Mr.Bush adminsitration .
But of late his work has been nothing less than classical and marvellous which was just endorsed as his movie Farenheit 9/11 won him an academy award .the movie revealed abt the darker side of the current US president George W .Bush .Like when the 9/11 attack took place not even the former president his father senior bush was allowed to take off in his charter flight bcoz of security restrictions but secretly Bin ladens relatives were allowed to flee US into saudi . Also that night the saudi ambassador to US who is a prince and has heavy investments Bush's oil company was allowed to go outside the US but not anyone else where allowed.Its true,but quite startling facts!!!
There are lots of fantastic videos of him in youtube and is an absolute treat to watch .the best incident that i loved in his documentary was abt the High rise in the cost of medical treatment in the US and as to How patients are first touched by the doctors after consulting with their Insurance agents (like a middle man) who would then approve partial or full treatment .
So what happened was Micheal Moore hit upon a young boy who was diagnosed with diabetes(a severe one) and his doctors had advised him to undergo transplants of his pancreas and kidney to further his life . So when the doctor spoke to the insurance agents of the kid ,the insurance agent said that they would sponsor only for his kidney transplant and not for his pancreas transplant.As u should know that for the kidney to function , pancreas are very vital and so the doctors had asked the kid to get money for the pancreas transplant and unfortunately his family couldn't afford the cost of the operation .The Boy was nearing his death slowly and with this situation at hand ,Micheal Moore stepped in .Now for information,American Laws clearly state that every company should always work to ensure that the investors should be benefited by investing in their companies .SO the companies should always record profits and so there was nothing wrong on the insurance company's part . Micheal moore tried talking to the officals but to no avail . Finally his team decided to bring a coffin along with the Undertaker and performed the Last rites of the kid while he was alive in the backyards of the Insurance company's headquarters on National tv . With such embarrasment at stake the kid was sponsored the cost of operation for the pancrea transplant as well by the company in a record 10 mins and the boy was saved!!!What followed this is his new movie named as "SICKO" which is creating Box-office records in the US exposing the Bush administrations pathetic functioning!!!i would recommend every body to watch his documentaries on you tube and also his outburst on CNN at Wolf Blitzerg and his colleague Dr.Sanjay gupta,chk it out!!!
chk this link after watching the videos :- http://www.michaelmoore.com/index.php